Orpheyo Dragon embodies the musical guise of Dean Benson, one of the founders of Melbourne based community, Wildwood. A respected regular performer at gatherings such as Rainbow Serpent Festival and Earth Frequency Festival, Dean’s entire adult life has been spent refining his sound and space holding abilities, translating to his dance floors, moving with pure passion for music and life.

From driving hypnotic techno to organic world sounds, his skills in traversing the audience has taken him across the globe, from main stage festivals to the most intimate of club shows.

In addition to Orpheyo Dragon performances, Dean conducts a range of unique workshops for the community and lifestyle festivals. Dean has undergone rigorous training and initiations with the Shamanic Energy Training (Dragon lineage) as a Sacred Space Holder and Shamanic Ceremonialist. This IEHA (International Energetic Healing Association) globally accredited training requires a minimum of 2 years of training and initiations, including dedicated ongoing supervision and mentorship, before being able to safely guide individuals and groups during their encounters with their true selves and the spirit world. The depth, tenure and immersion of this training enables Dean, as a facilitator to walk the path of a technician of sacred spaces with the upmost integrity, safety and honour. This area of his life is forever evolving as his exploration of sacred space continues and no doubt it flows into every dance floor he connects with.

Bookings through orpheyodragon@gmail.com



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Conscious Lifestyle Education

Unveiling Your Illusion

What this is

An interactive deliberation about our experience as human beings, focussed on entering altered states in music and psychedelic cultures. I will express my perspective of the illusion that affects us in every moment, and then open the floor to bring up topics that our conscious minds should be exploring. There is much more than meets the eye when opening our energy fields in these environments.

Questions to explore

  • Is our current culture healthy?

  • How can we ensure the sustainability of outdoor music festivals with so much outside criticism and judgement?

  • What can we do to evolve our state of being into being more conscious about the cause & effects of our decision making?

  • Why do we make the decisions we make?

  • What happens to our Energy Body when we alter our state and then enter a large pumping dancefloor?

  • How can we provide a safe exploration of ourselves with altered states?

My Intention

Over my life experiences, I have gathered a sound ‘innerstanding’ about my internal vibration and trained to change my frequency through a variety of developed modalities. I will share valuable knowledge that has shifted my awareness onto the real forces that affect my reality and more importantly how I hold my energetic space to control my life. After over a decade as a musician and DJ at outdoor festivals across the globe, I am determined to share my knowledge of festival energetics. With extensive training in Spirit Work & Alternative Therapy, I now avoid many common traps after seeing through the veil. This lecture will give you the chance to see more of what is real and learn to take action to keep your energy field healthy and strong, not just at a festival, but in everyday life.

Workshop Bio

Across the globe I have travelled, studying and training in practices such as Animism, Shamanism, Daoism, Meditation, Ceremony and Energy Work. Through my transformation into greater levels of awareness, I now live life on my terms and with true purpose. Learning through experience and embodiment, my journey takes validation with my extensive self exploration and multiple initiations into Shamanic Space Holding.

I am driven to assist others in finding their essence, purpose and creative self, so they can thrive in every moment. Through strong acceptance of who I am in totality, allowed for so much information to unfold about the nature of our reality. Once I found the inner strength needed to liberate myself from the limiting constructs of my physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies, I found the inner peace that I didn’t even know I was looking for. Now its time to share it.

Bookings through orpheyodragon@gmail.com

What people are saying:

We arrived in this workshop without knowing the impact that Dean’s words and energy were going to have on us.

It is a pure moment of awakening in happiness that he served us with humility and knowledge. His approach is very simple and dexterous, he knows how to wield his words to create an impact on this special moment.

I have been subjugated by what he taught us and transmitted. This information is that I had been looking for months, that he give me carefully. Thank you for the demonstrations & the techniques that I will be able to reuse in my life, and for your sweetness ...

Let yourself embark for an incredible day to open your conscience with Dean.

With all my magic love & gratitude.
— Tamara
Dean Benson is a beautiful grounding presence to be around & I’m so glad to have had the honour of attending his Unveiling Your Illusion workshop. From the very beginning he created a safe place for people to let their guard down and open up. As a highly sensitive and empathic person it’s quite difficult for me to trust people in that setting. But I felt a deep sense of peace & ease as he held space for everyone and shared his knowledge and experience.

Dean carries a genuine love for people and is passionate about helping them break free of any obstacles holding them back from their full spiritual potential. He provides practical, easy to follow steps that can help those those searching for spiritual clarity.

I personally found everything he shared resonated very deeply with me. Not only did he encourage me to go deeper with my own healing journey, but he also provided deeper understanding of engaging the spirit realm. I’m deeply touched by the love and purity this person carries, and I’m very grateful to have met him.
— Claudette Lasserre
Dean Benson’s talk at Elements Festival was both intuitive and eye opening. After quickly forming an honest and trusting connection with the audience by sharing experiences from his own life, he was able to create a safe, trusting energy within the area which allowed viewers to engage honestly and openly.

A key factor of Dean’s speech was the emphasis on crowd participation and question/response. Interacting with the audience and asking questions such as “what are you seeking? What are you escaping? Are you truly happy?” Had listeners thrown into thought questioning themselves. Possibly ushering them into thoughts that they themselves may subconsciously be ignoring or unaware of.

Perhaps the most useful tool Dean used throughout his speech was his ability to revert all his ideas and points back to relevant situations, I.e. at festivals. Explaining the importance of acknowledgement and awareness of energy on a dancefloor. Being able to recognise the difference between positive/negative energies trying to enter your ‘bubble’ and either surrendering yourself to, or removing yourself from. This was a point I myself found extremely useful and put into practice throughout the remainder of the Festival.

By the end of the speech it was clear Dean had created a positive energy bubble with all participants deep in thought and had many feeling comfortable enough to share their own experiences and thoughts with the group. Dean’s ability to share his wisdom and intricate ideas in a down to earth manner truly allowed all listeners to positively question themselves and evaluate life with his guidance. I personally left with a sense of freedom and refreshment and after putting many of the things I learnt into practice I can definitely thank Dean as a main contributor to my incredible experience of the Festival.
— Julian Robertson

